Resources + Opportunities

On this page, you will find educational and employment opportunities, and other information to connect you more deeply with the Black Catholic community!
Accredited Online Theological Education
Aquinas Institute of Theology
Part of the world-wide Order of Preachers and following in the footsteps of Saint Dominic, we are a Catholic, Dominican, graduate school of theology in Saint Louis Missouri. We send out graduates, lay and religious, grounded in the teachings of Saint Thomas Aquinas, to preach the gospel in word and deed.
Atlantic School of Theology
Theological education is an adventure!
Are you looking for intellectual and personal enrichment, vocational development, or spiritual growth? Interested in some form of ministry or in deepening your service in the wider community? Just want to learn something new? You’ve come to the right place!
For more information: https://www.astheology.ns.ca/home/welcome.htmlwww.catholic.edu
Augustine Institute
Love the Truth
Join us in bearing witness to the truth. Grow in the Catholic Faith with confidence and joy, without fear or apology.
For more information: https://www.augustineinstitute.org/
Barry University Department of Theology and Philosophy
Theology and Philosophy
The disciplines of theology and philosophy provide distinct, yet complementary, foundations for your search for truth and meaning in the light of human experience.
Find more information at https://www.barry.edu/en/academics/arts-and-sciences/department-of-theology-and-philosophy/?r=rdt&rdts=www.barry.edu
Boston College Clough School of Theology and Ministry
As a global center for theological study rooted in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition, the Gloria L. and Charles I. Clough School of Theology and Ministry (CSTM) prepares ministers, scholars, and leaders to serve the needs of the Church and the world.
Please reach out to us with any questions at stmadm@bc.edu or 617-552-6506.
Catholic Theological Union (CTU)
The mission of Catholic Theological Union is to prepare effective leaders for the Church, ready to witness to Christ’s good news of justice, love and peace.
Contact CTU (773.371.5400) for additional information, or click here to learn more.
Catholic University of America School of Theology and Religious Studies
Discover a Faith-Filled Community at One of America’s Best Catholic Universities
Explore the depths of Catholic intellectual tradition at the pontifical School of Theology and Religious Studies. We have provided world-class education under the finest theological minds for over 130 years—from seminarians and religious sisters, to biomedical ethicists, liturgists, and laity. Come discover the answers to life’s ultimate questions.
For more information: www.catholic.edu
Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology
Join us in our pursuit of truth as revealed by the Gospel and discovered by human reason.
As a community of scholars, we place classical philosophy and Catholic theology, especially as exemplified by St. Thomas Aquinas, in creative dialogue with contemporary culture.
For more information: https://dspt.edu/
Franciscan School of Theology
Find True & Perfect Joy
At the Franciscan School of Theology, you will engage wholeheartedly in your faith journey and discover your unique role in caring for our world and the Catholic Church with rigorous master’s programs led by world class scholars.
For more information: https://www.fst.edu/
Holy Apostles College and Seminary
Live Your Mission
With a great education that is affordable and authentically Catholic.
For more information: http://www.holyapostles.edu/
Immaculate Conception Seminary of Seton Hall University
A Feast for the Mind, Heart, and Soul
As a House of Formation, the Seminary offers men preparing for the priesthood the personal, academic, ministerial and spiritual formation essential for their commitment to a life of service to the Church.
As a School of Theology, the Seminary provides a theological and philosophical foundation for men and women pursuing undergraduate and graduate studies with a theological foundation and a pastoral and spiritual formation as they prepare for ministries among the people of God.
For more information: http://theology.shu.edu/
Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University of Louisiana
EDUCATION – 2024 Continuing Education and Enrichment (C&E) Course Offerings
The IBCS offers limited tuition assistance. Scholarship information and applications will be posted in early 2024 on the website.
The 2024 IBCS dates are June 30-July 19. The theme from Isaiah: 62:1 reflects the Institute’s evangelizing mission – “For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent…I will not keep quiet!”
For additional information, the website address is www.xula.edu/ibcs. Feel free to share this info with your community. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with me or IBCS Program Specialist Dana Lockett. Many thanks. Kathleen Dorsey Bellow, M.B.A., D.Min. Director, Institute for Black Catholic Studies kdbellow@xula.edu
Visit the IBCS website for more information: www.xula.edu/ibcs
Loyola Marymount University Department of Theological Studies
Grounded in the Roman Catholic Tradition.
The Department of Theological Studies invites students to analyze questions of faith, the divine, and ultimate meaning in the context of religious thought and practice. Through intellectually rigorous exploration of the full range of possibilities and ambiguities of faith, students of Theological Studies come to appreciate both the intrinsic value of religious inquiry and the role of religion in building a more just world. The Department offers several degree programs: an undergraduate major in Theology, an undergraduate minor in Theology, and two Master of Arts degrees (Theology and Pastoral Theology). The MA in Pastoral Theology program includes an additional ministry and counseling emphasis in addition to foundational courses in theology.
For additional information, go to https://bellarmine.lmu.edu/theologicalstudies/.
Newman Theological College
A Roman Catholic School of Theology.
Newman Theological College is a Roman Catholic School of Theology committed to theological education and missionary discipleship. The college prepares laity, religious, and ordained ministers for Christian service and leadership in Western Canada and beyond. Our vision is to develop life-long disciples and ministers of Christ through the formation of minds and hearts.
For additional information, go to https://www.newman.edu/.
Notre Dame Seminary
From its establishment as a free-standing seminary in 1923 by the Archdiocese of New Orleans, Notre Dame Seminary has as its primary mission the formation of men for the ministerial priesthood in the Roman Catholic Church. The seminary, through an integrated and balanced program of priestly formation, seeks to prepare pastors for the Church who are configured to Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd. Additionally, in order to foster a broader outreach in service to the needs of the local Church, the seminary offers educational and formational opportunities to the lay faithful to prepare them for ecclesial leadership. While primarily forming men to serve as priests in the southern region of the United States, Notre Dame Seminary participates in the missionary activity of the Church by promoting a spirit of mission among its candidates for priesthood and lay leadership and by assisting certain missionary dioceses in other areas of the world.
For additional information, go to https://nds.edu/.
Oblate School of Theology
Educates for the Mission: Empowering the People of God to Serve the People of God.
OST equips for effective ministry and witness to Jesus so that all who are called can serve their own congregations and denominations.
For additional information, go to https://ost.edu/.
Pontifical College Josephinum
Forming Holy, Generous, Adaptable, and Resilient Priests.
The Pontifical College Josephinum is a Roman Catholic seminary whose mission is to provide initial formation to men so that they can participate in the ministerial priesthood of Jesus Christ, “Head and Shepherd, Servant and Spouse.”
For additional information, go to https://www.pcj.edu/.
Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Forming Hearts and Minds. Proclaiming Jesus Christ.
Sacred Heart Major Seminary prepares candidates for the Roman Catholic priesthood for dioceses nationally and internationally. We are a leading center of the New Evangelization forming priests, deacons and lay ministers who are prepared to bring the truth of the Gospel to an increasingly secularized world.
For additional information, go to https://www.shms.edu/.
Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology
Preparing evangelizing disciples through specialized formation to conform our world to the Heart of Christ.
We conform ourselves to Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh and revelation of our Triune God, who is Love. We welcome all as Christ with the Way of charity, the Truth of integrity and the Life of friendship. We foster unity and collegiality through shared worship, attentive conversation, and integrated goals. We instill discovery in our intellectual programs, discernment and distinction in our pastoral vision. We form servant leaders who herald God’s mercy, encounter the forgotten, and heal wounds of division.
For additional information, go to https://www.shsst.edu/.
Saint John's University School of Theology and Seminary
Answer the Call
Embrace your opportunity to progress the Christian faith in a life-long pursuit of wisdom, grounded in the 1,500-year history of Benedictine values as one of North American’s most respected graduate programs in theology.
For additional information, go to https://www.csbsju.edu/sot/.
Saint Meinrad School of Theology
Formation and Education for the Life of the Church
For additional information, go to https://www.saintmeinrad.edu/.
Saint Vincent Seminary
Saint Vincent Seminary is a Roman Catholic Seminary grounded in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the living tradition of the Church in accord with the Magisterium, and shaped by the Benedictine heritage of liturgical prayer, study, hospitality and community. As such, the Seminary is a center for the spiritual formation, human development, and academic and pastoral preparation of candidates for the priesthood. Consistent with this primary mission and responsive to the contemporary needs of the Church, the Seminary provides programs for permanent diaconate candidates and offers degree programs to qualified men and women seeking a theological education.
For additional information, go to https://saintvincentseminary.edu/.
St. Augustine's Seminary of Toronto
Reuniting Theology, Prayer, and Sanctity
St. Augustine’s Seminary is the Major Seminary of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto. It also welcomes candidates from elsewhere. Its primary purpose is the preparation of candidates for ordained priesthood in the Catholic Church. This preparation for diocesan ministerial leadership embraces and promotes spiritual and human formation, theological education, and field training. The Seminary is also mandated to form men and women aspiring to other ministries in the Church.
For additional information, go to https://staugustines.on.ca/.
St. Bernard's School of Theology and Ministry
Reuniting Theology, Prayer, and Sanctity
What is the Lord calling you to? Is He calling you to know Him better, to study the teachings of His Church at a deeper level? Audit a course, sit in virtually or in-person on a single class session, attend an event, or speak with one of our esteemed staff who will help you in answering this call.
For additional information, go to https://www.stbernards.edu/.
St. Joseph's Seminary
Authentically Catholic Graduate Studies in New York
For additional information, go to https://www.dunwoodie.edu/.
St. Mark's College at UBC
St. Mark’s College is the affiliated Catholic theological college of the University of British Columbia (UBC).
St. Mark’s College is committed to promoting an authentic Christian humanism, marked by the pursuit of academic excellence and animated by a joy of searching for, discovering and communicating truth in every field of knowledge. The Colleges prepare graduates who continually strive to integrate and synthesize faith and reason, women and men who think rigorously, so as to act rightly and to serve humanity better.
For additional information, go to https://stmarkscollege.ca/.
University of St. Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary
Sending Out Workers for the Vineyard
Jesus first formed his disciples by interacting with them directly, then sending them out to encounter others. Through their encounters with others, the disciples’ minds and hearts were conformed to the mind and heart of Jesus Christ. At the University of St. Mary of the Lake, we follow Jesus’ example by grounding all our programs on the principle of encounter-based formation.
For additional information, go to https://usml.edu/.
St. Mary's Seminary and University
Faith Seeking Understanding
The Department of Theology is at the heart of Notre Dame’s education in faith and reason. Guided by the ideal of “faith seeking understanding,” the faculty engage in critical reflection in six areas: moral theology, world religions and world church, history of Christianity, liturgy, biblical studies, and systematic theology.
For additional information, go to https://theology.nd.edu/.
Education Programs and Opportunities for Multicultural Ministry
Aquinas Institute of Theology, New Frontiers in Preaching Program
The New Frontiers in Preaching Academy forms permanent deacons and pastoral leaders to become master preachers in the Catholic Hispanic and Black communities through hybrid learning informed by expert faculty, peer preachers, and mentorship for parish vitality. For more information, visit www.ai.edu/continuing-education/preaching-academy or call (314) 256-8885.
Boston College of Theology and Ministry
BOSTON COLLEGE OF THEOLOGY AND MINISTRY is a world-class center of theological study, where students thrive with the help of distinguished faculty and a diverse, attentive community. We offer master’s degrees and graduate certificates in theology and ministry, as well as a PhD in theology and education, preparing students for a variety of ministries in service to our Church and world.
Scholarship Highlight: Lift Every Voice Scholarship
“What does it mean to be Black in the Church in society?” In 1989, Sr. Thea Bowman gave a moving speech to the USCCB and raised this important question. She goes on, “It means that I come to my Church fully functioning…I bring myself; my black self, all that I am, all that I have, all that I hope to become.” This fellowship recognizes the need for transformative ministry and amplified voices in pursuit of racial justice and reconciliation – working to heal the sins of our Church and nation. Candidates for this fellowship should demonstrate a commitment to the work of anti-racism and show potential for critical thinking and advocacy around the intersection of theology and race. This award covers This award covers 100% of a student’s tuition.
Please reach out to us with any questions at stmadm@bc.edu or 617-552-6506.
Catholic Theological Union (CTU)
The mission of Catholic Theological Union is to prepare effective leaders for the Church, ready to witness to Christ’s good news of justice, love and peace.
The Augustus Tolton Pastoral Ministry Program provides an opportunity for Black Catholics to receive academic, personal, spiritual and professional education and training in preparation for professional ministry for the specific needs of Black Catholics.
- Applicants from the Archdiocese of Chicago are eligible for a full-tuition scholarship.
- Applicants outside of the Chicago dioceses are encouraged to apply for the Tolton program and will be considered for other scholarship funds.
Contact CTU (773.371.5400) for additional information about the scholarship, or click here to learn more.
Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University of Louisiana
EDUCATION – 2024 Continuing Education and Enrichment (C&E) Course Offerings
The IBCS offers limited tuition assistance. Scholarship information and applications will be posted in early 2024 on the website.
The 2024 IBCS dates are June 30-July 19. The theme from Isaiah: 62:1 reflects the Institute’s evangelizing mission – “For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent…I will not keep quiet!”
For additional information, the website address is www.xula.edu/ibcs. Feel free to share this info with your community. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with me or IBCS Program Specialist Dana Lockett. Many thanks. Kathleen Dorsey Bellow, M.B.A., D.Min. Director, Institute for Black Catholic Studies kdbellow@xula.edu
Visit the IBCS website for more information: www.xula.edu/ibcs
Loyola Marymount University Center for Religion & Spirituality
Loyola Marymount University Center for Religion & Spirituality is offering an online continuing education program that examines the presence of Black Catholics in the Catholic Church. Program begins in Fall 2024.
As members of the Catholic Church, we are responsible for evangelizing effectively and prophetically. To achieve this, we must deeply understand how Christ loves Black Catholics in a Church that faces challenges accepting diversity. This program examines the presence of Black Catholics in the Catholic Church, inspiring leaders to serve in their parishes. Everyone is welcome to enroll, including those who wish to become allies and support the Black Catholic community in their efforts to remain faithful to the Gospel of Christ and to work towards dismantling systemic racism in the Catholic Church. This certificate program focuses on the concerns of Black Catholics and their unique history, traditions, and voice in the universal Church.
Classes meet once a week 8:00 pm Eastern for one hour. Two guest lecturers for each course. Courses offered fall 2024: Living the Gospels with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Sr. Dr. Thea Bowman, (AAMX 922), class starts Oct. 21, 2024 and Black Catholics Sharing their Distinctive Gift of Blackness in the Catholic Church, (AAMX 920), class starts Oct. 22, 2024. Early Registration Discount and tuition assistance are available for both courses. Complete schedules can be found in the course catalog.
FACULTY: Michael Howard, MACS, is Lead Faculty and Course Designer for LMU’s The Presence of Black Catholics in the Church Today and Tomorrow. Prof. Howard also works for University of Dayton and Notre Dame online and is founder of Eat the Scroll Ministry.
For additional information, please contact the Center at 310-338-2799 or crs@lmu.edu.
Health Care Mission Academic Programs
Aquinas Institute of Theology
Housed under the Ashley-O’Rourke Center for Health Ministry Leadership, the Graduate Certificate in Health Care Mission, the Master of Arts in Practical Theology with a Specialization in Health Care Mission, and the Dual Master of Arts in Theology and PhD in Health Care Ethics provide an education and formation for a wide range of professionals and volunteers that strengthens the commitment to Catholic health care and results in deeper engagement in mission.
These programs are designed to provide a solid theological foundation for those committed to Catholic mission and identity in a format accessible to all leaders in active health care ministry.
Grounded in the Dominican intellectual tradition of study and the moral teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas, and aligned with the Catholic Health Association’s competencies for mission leaders, our academic programs offer leaders across the Catholic health ministry the opportunity to continue their education and formation with excellent faculty.
For more information, visit https://www.ai.edu/academics/aor/health-care-mission-academic-programs or call (314) 256-8885.
Employment Opportunities
Keep On Teaching
Written and published by the Archdiocese of Baltimore Office of Black Catholic Ministries, this resource manual, written from an Africentric perspective, offers a unique study of the rituals and sacraments of the Catholic faith. It is designed to assist catechists, parish leaders, evangelization ministers and youth ministers who serve in the Black Catholic Community.
Keep on Teaching Booklets (Click titles to download pdf documents)
- 2006-2007 Keep on Teaching Booklet
- 2008 Keep on Teaching Booklet
- 2009 Keep on Teaching Booklet
- 2010 Keep on Teaching Booklet
- 2011 Keep on Teaching Booklet
- 2012 Keep on Teaching Booklet
- 2013 Keep on Teaching Booklet
- 2015 Keep on Teaching Booklet
- 2016-2017 Keep on Teaching Booklet
- 2018 Keep on Teaching Booklet
- 2019 Keep on Teaching Booklet
- 2022 Keep on Teaching Booklet
- 2023 Keep on Teaching Order Form (Book has not been released to general public yet, but is available for purchase).
Our thanks to the Archdiocese of Baltimore Office of Black Catholic Ministries for allowing us to share this resource.
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