
How is God calling you to serve the Church?
Take a quiz to find out or learn more about the priesthood, religious orders, diaconate and married life by exploring the sections below.
Diocesan Vocation Director
National Map of Vocation Directors
If you are discerning a call to the priesthood, your local priest or Vocations Director can help.
I Leave My Life in Your Hands
Watch this great video from Bishop Perry, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago.
Diocese of Phoenix Black Catholic Vocations Initiative
Join the Father Augustus Tolton Vocation Action Circle
The Action Circle encourages our African American Community to pray for priestly vocations.
Here’s how it works:
- Make a list of names of Black men and pray daily through the intercession of Fr. Augustus Tolton that they may be granted the grace of a priestly vocation.
- Participate in a monthly Mass offered for an increase of priestly vocations from the African American Community.
- Pray daily for Black seminarians through the intercession of Fr. Augustus Tolton. A list of Black seminarians will be sent to you upon registration in the Fr. Augustus Tolton Vocation Action Circle.
- Write Black seminarians at least at Christmas and Easter to encourage them in their vocation to the priesthood.
- Support financially Black seminarians in need of help through the Fr. Augustus Tolton Vocation Action Circle.
Video Resources
Let The Church Say AAmen
African American Ministry Evangelization Network (AAMEN) to proclaim the living person of Jesus Christ through prayer, study, music, community service and much more.
Discern Your Vocation
Vocation: Consecrated Religious Life
About religious life
List of Religious Orders
Religious life for men
The Josephites: Fr. Stephen Sohe, SSJ (Men)
Society of the Divine Word: Mr. Len Uhal, National Vocation Director (Men)
VISION, a publication of the National Religious Vocation Conference
Vocation Basics: Essentials for the Vocation Journey (Resource for Men and Women)
Vocation Prayer Card (NBCC 2021)
Religious life for women
When the King Desires Your Beauty
Dominican Sisters in the United States
The Franciscan Handmaids of Mary: Sr. Rosemary Uzor, FHM (Women)
Holy Family Sisters: Sr. Laura Mercier, SSF (Women)
Oblate Sisters of Providence: Sr. Marcia Hall, OSP (Women)
Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament: Sr. Jane Nesmith, SBS (Women)
VISION, a publication of the National Religious Vocation Conference
Vocation Basics: Essentials for the Vocation Journey (Resource for Men and Women)
Vocation Prayer Card (NBCC 2021)
Vocation: Diocesan Priesthood
Vocation: Diaconate
Vocation: Married & Family Life
Vocation: Single Life
Vocation: Third Orders of Religious Congregations/Secular Institutions
The term Third Order signifies, in general, lay members of religious orders, who do not necessarily live in community and yet can claim to wear the habit and participate in the good works of some great order. Members of third orders, are known as tertiaries (Latin tertiarii, from tertius, third).
- Third Order of Augustinian Recollects
- Third Order of Saint Augustine
- Oblates of Saint Benedict
- Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites
- Third Order of Saint Dominic
- Third Order of Saint Francis
- Secular Franciscan Order
- Third Order of Mercy
- Third Order of Minims
- Third Order Secular of the Most Holy Trinity
- Third Order of Saint Norbert
- Third Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
- Association of Salesian Cooperators
- Third Order of Servites
Vocation: Consecrated Virginity
The USACV is a voluntary association of consecrated virgins living in the world. The purpose of the USACV is to provide support to its members in the faithful living out of their vocation to consecrated virginity and “…to assist one another in service to the Church as befits their state” (Canon 604, Code of Canon Law). The USACV website is designed both to serve its members and to provide information about the vocation of consecrated virginity lived in the world.
The Most Blessed Virgin Mary is the primary patroness, and Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin, the first native American to be canonized, is also a patroness of the USACV. To learn more about the ancient vocation of consecrated virginity, newly restored in the Church in 1970 for women living in the world go to: https://consecratedvirgins.org/
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