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Rooted in Our Faith
We foster freedom and growth of Black Catholics as members of the Catholic Church and society. Our baptismal commitment impels us to evangelize and witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our mission is renewed and developed every five years at our national congress.

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Social Issues + Ministries
Respond to the needs of your faith and health, your family and the world you live in. You can quickly find information about social issues and places to contact for immediate help.
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Be Inspired
Seven Future Black Saints
Discover the lives of Venerable Fr. Augustus Tolton and six other holy men and women who are on the journey towards Canonization. Learn more about the process and checkout the Saintly Six holy card packet featuring their images.
Empower Your Faith
Catholic Life
Equip yourself for your Catholic Faith journey. Get more information about the Sacraments and learn about vocations to the priesthood, religious and married life.
How is God Calling You to Serve?
Take a quiz to find out, work with a spiritual director in your area and learn more about the priesthood, religious orders, diaconate and married life.