Affiliated Organizations
Partners In Ministry
The National Black Catholic Congress collaborates with organizations for Black Catholic scholars, priests, deacons, consecrated religious, seminarians and laypeople. Click on each name below to learn more, including how to subscribe to available newsletters.
The Black Catholic Theological Symposium
The Black Catholic Theological Symposium (BCTS) is a national interdisciplinary theological society of the Roman Catholic tradition. The Symposium was established to foster among Black Catholics an ethical community of scholarly dialogue characterized by commitment to the fundamental humanity of all persons; and regard for the plurality of cultural, ethnic backgrounds and religious experience among Black peoples.
Contact Information:
5401 S Cornell Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60615
The Institute for Black Catholic Studies
The IBCS at Xavier University in Louisiana is designed to assist priests, religious, lay women and men, seminarians, novices, catechists, diocesan administrators, deacons, lay associates and volunteers from Black and all other cultural heritages who are engaged in ministry among Black Catholics.
Contact Information:
1 Drexel Drive – Box 49, New Orleans, Louisiana 70125
The Josephites
The Josephites are a congregation of priests and brothers whose exclusive mission is to serve the African American community. The Society supports in parishes and special ministries, spanning across the United States.
Contact Information:
P.O. Box 65010, Baltimore, MD 21209
The Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver
The largest African American lay Catholic organization in the United States, our purpose is to render service to God and His Holy Church, render aid and assistance to the sick and disabled, and promote social and intellectual association among our members.
Contact Information:
1825 Orleans Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70116-2825
The National Association of Black Catholic Administrators
NABCA is dedicated to providing a forum for African American Catholic Administrators to gather and share their collective resources to effectively address the needs, issues and concerns facing the African American communities; to develop and mentor Black Catholic leadership; and to be the change agent for an inclusive church.
Contact Information:
The National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life
The NBCAL is a ministry committed to pray, proclaim, and stand boldly for an end to abortion, all acts of violence and evil, and all injustice that destroys the sacredness of life.
Contact Information:
St. Clare Friary, 440 West 36th Street, New York, N.Y. 10018-6326
The National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus
The primary purpose of the NBCCC is to serve as the voice of those who are at the bottom of society. We take a fundamental stand against the ills of society that produce the ditches that the poorest people inhabit. We work to transform the minds and consciousness of the weak and powerless and have a special proclivity for our African-American brothers and sisters. We provide fish when we can and we teach the folks we serve how to fish for themselves. We reach back in our history from and we celebrate our giftedness and our identity and our spirit survival.
Contact Information:
2815 Forbes Drive, Montgomery, Alabama 36110
The National Black Catholic Seminarians Association
The National Black Catholic Seminarians Association, (NBCSA) seeks to contribute to the wellbeing of candidates for priesthood and religious life, with an emphasis on Black American, African, Afro-Caribbean, and Afro-Latino candidates preparing to serve the Church in the United States and its territories. The interest of the NBCSA, however, extends to the broader formation community as it seeks to promote knowledge of, and apostolic works in, the diverse Black Catholic community in the United States. Promoting vocations to priesthood and religious life has become central to the identity and mission of NBCSA.
We are an affiliate entity of the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus. We also cooperate with the National Black Sisters Conference, the National Black Catholic Congress, the National Black Deacons and Black Administrators in the the United States and its territories.
Contact Information:
1200 Varnum Street NE, Washington, DC 20017
The National Black Sisters' Conference
As women religious and associates, we at the NBSC draw strength and courage from God, support one another in the faith; and hold our elders in high esteem. We study, speak and act on issues that impact the social, educational, economic, and religious milieu of the United States. We believe that through the power of the Spirit working in and through us we can be witnesses of Jesus Christ in the communities where we live and serve.
Contact Information:
1200 Varnum St. NE, Washington, DC 20017.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is an assembly of the hierarchy of the United States and the U.S. Virgin Islands who jointly exercise certain pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful of the United States. The purpose of the Conference is to promote the greater good which the Church offers humankind, especially through forms and programs of the apostolate fittingly adapted to the circumstances of time and place. This purpose is drawn from the universal law of the Church and applies to the episcopal conferences which are established all over the world for the same purpose.
Contact Information:
3211 Fourth Street NE, Washington DC 20017
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