August 22, 2022 | By Bishop Roy E. Campbell, Jr.
August 22, 2022 | By Bishop Roy E. Campbell, Jr.
Humility: what is it that makes a person truly humble? Is it a person’s modesty, meekness, or unassuming nature? What would we see in a person who projects the opposite of humility? Most of us would call that arrogance.
I have been a fan of Superman since I could read comic books and saw the television show as a boy. I read the Superman comics and saw the original Adventures of Superman TV show. I also watched all the Superman shows that followed, and especially liked the Superman movies.
Superman, for all his strength and superpowers, was truly humble. He knew that his powers were a gift, from the effects of our “yellow” sun. He also knew that his parents sent him here so that he could use those powers for good. Superman did not lose sight of fact that his superpowers were meant to be used for the good of others and not for his own glory and gain. He went to great lengths to make sure that people did not know the person who possessed those powers. He was happy to give credit to a superhero whom no one really knew.
Jesus tells us about true meaning of humility in today’s Gospel. When one is truly humble, not arrogant, that person does not seek attention for himself or herself. In our Lord’s eyes, humble people are those who seek to put others before themselves. Humble people give credit for their gifts to the One who rightly gave them – God. Humble people do not exalt themselves but exalt God instead and uses what they have to help others. Humble people look to help those who are helpless and do not look to be repaid.
The first step to humility for us is “fear” of the Lord. That is, we recognize that all we have is a gift from God. We realize that we always need God’s grace to do good in our lives and in the lives of others. This realization will allow God to lead us to do His will for ourselves and for others. When we are humble of heart and spirit, then God will exalt us as Jesus said, “For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”
– Bishop Roy Campbell