Have a weekly examination of conscience read over the school PA for all students to hear and post it on school website
Prepare students well for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
Prepare students for a monthly Mass by giving them the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in advance
Offer and remind students of the frequent times for Confessions in parishes (i.e. half an hour or more before all Masses, extended times, not just Saturday before Mass since most go to Sunday Mass)
Offer assemblies throughout the school year with Eucharisticadoration, Rosary, praise, worship and Confession
Offer weekly hours of exposition and prayer for youth
Encourage teachers to bring their students to visit Jesus in the tabernacle or in Eucharisticadoration with exposition on a daily, weekly or regular basis
Have confirmation candidates experience Eucharisticadoration and invite them to sign-up for a weekly holy hour
To better prepare students, teach them the importance of being reverent
Promote the reception of Holy Communion on the tongue
Instruct students on the Mass, proper postures, responses and Eucharisticadoration
Encourage teachers in Roman rite schools to explain the side notes in a Latin Mass missal to help students to comprehend better
Have a group go on, or out to meet, the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage or follow it
Join or start a local Eucharistic pilgrimage or procession around the parish or school to also witness to non-Catholics that Jesus, our King, is real and alive
Consider having older students or a youth group attend July 2024 the National Eucharistic Congress, a local Eucharistic event or make visits to an adoration chapel in your area
Have students map out directions to get to nearby adoration chapels/sites and to make a list of the days and times adoration and Masses there
Encourage students to visit adoration chapels and consider daily or frequent Mass
Have students make presentations on international Eucharistic miracles