The Eucharist of Heart and the African American Community

August 12, 2024 | Independent Submission by Bro. Cursey Calais, SSJ

By Bro. Cursey J. Calais, SSJ | Independent Submission to the NBCC

The Eucharist holds profound significance in the Christian faith, particularly in Catholicism, where it represents the body and blood of Christ, a sacrament of unity, and a source of spiritual nourishment. Reflecting on the Eucharist concerning the heart invites us to explore love, sacrifice, and transformation themes. At the heart of the Eucharist is the message of unconditional love. Jesus, in instituting this sacrament at the Last Supper, offers Himself entirely to humanity. This self-giving love calls us to reflect on our hearts. Are we open to receiving this love? Are we willing to extend it to others? The Eucharist challenges us to cultivate a heart that mirrors Christ’s—one that is generous, compassionate, and forgiving.  Read more here:


Brother Cursey Calais, SSJ, professed perpetual religious promises of poverty, chastity and obedience during a Dec. 1, 2022 liturgy led by Bishop John Ricard, SSJ, at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Washington, D.C. Brother Cursey, raised in Holy Ghost parish in Opelousas, La., recognized the historic nature of his final profession at a time when fewer Brothers are available to minister. The certified nursing assistant has provided medical assistance to retired Josephites at St. Joseph Seminary. Brother Cursey is also a first lieutenant with the Civil Air Patrol and plans to pursue online studies in video and film production and social media through Full Sail University in Orlando, Fla.

About the Society of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart (The Josephites): The Josephites, a religious community of Catholic Priests and Brothers, is committed to serving the African American community through the proclamation of the Gospel and our personal witness. Our commitment is expressed through sacramental, educational and pastoral ministry, service to those in need, and working for social justice.

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